37th National Congress of Interventional Cardiology

Med-Italia Biomedica S.R.L.Agenda37th National Congress of Interventional Cardiology

37° Congresso Nazionale di cardiologia interventistica

Genova, 11-14 October 2016

During the 37th Congress organized by the Italian Society of Interventional Cardiology, a plenary session of great visibility and participation will be held, where doctors, nurses and technicians will share their experiences through a common knowledge platform.

The participants of the Congress, who have had time to sign up until July 2016, were invited to submit case reports of special interest and educational value. The 12 best clinical cases chosen by the organizers of GISE will be presented as competitors for the selection of the 3 best cases, which together with the three best start-ups will participate in the Best Clinical Case Competition Awards session, scheduled for the morning of Friday, October 14th.